TBR #116

Down the TBR Hole was originally created by Lia at Lost in a Story! The point of it is to help get your reading lists down, or maybe push higher anticipated releases up on your TBR! I have a HUGE TBR that I’m always adding to. Some books have been on the list for years and will probably never get read.

This is going to be another week of keeping everything. I try not to have too many of those, but Terry Pratchett is one of my partner’s all time favorite authors. His dad shared it with him and I have enjoyed the Discworld books I’ve read, but I can only read two maybe three in a row before I need a break.

Reaper Man

Small Gods

Theatre of Cruelty

Soul Music

Troll Bridge

Interesting Times

Feet of Clay



The Last Continent

GO 0


Running Total:

Books Removed: 805

Books Kept: 350

Total on TBR: 1090

Your Turn! Any books I should move to the top of my list? Any I didn’t keep that you think I should? Share below

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